Hello Everyone,
Today was a hard day! Wracking brains about money- funeral costs are so crazy. I never thought about this kind of stuff before. . Money doesn’t grow on trees- maybe for some it does, but not the majority of people that I know. Anyway when finance are being discussed some people tend to freak out a bit, some are eager to help and some are greedy, ungrateful and plain down takers! Take, Take, take and take until there is no more to take! I am just at a point in my life right now to tell some people where they can go! It’s sad but they have no one but to blame but themselves! It is not easy for me to do most daily things. I struggle and I am not complaining, but it is a fact that I have to live with as well as my husband! So when people are insensitive to me, and maybe they just don’t get that I have an injury that limits me. I just feel like crumbling inside and most times I do! Well I have pretty much have had it, and I feel sorry for the next person that hurts my feelings on purpose or is a real sap to me- well I will tell them a thing or two trying to be a nice as possible. I am just so tired of the lack of caring and disrespect! I guess I am a bit stressed out and well, letting it out is helpful! I can’t imagine Being insensitive to someones physical or mental pain! Unless they hide it so well and you crack a joke that is edgy.. I mean then you can’t feel bad about that but believe it or not I would feel bad! I am a sensitive soul for many reasons and I will no longer apologize for that ! At least I have a heart, unlike some people On this earth! I am stressed to the max and I think I will be going into de-stress mode soon when I figure out how too! meditate, scream, punch a pillow- I don’t know. I am angry at a lot of things and people too! lol, Wish me good love and please send love this way! I love and accept myself!
One good thing that happened today! I decided to put my foot down!!!! Remember friends, I love you! Good night!