Happy Valentines Friends!
It’s all about love today! The love of one another and all that are around us. Our animals, our friends, our confidants, our plants, our trees, our sun and moon! Right? Everything that you love! Love is what saves us, holds us, nourishes us, feeds us, and so much more! Like Jesus, who loves us! I hope you are all feeling loved like you should and not just by boyfriend, husbands, girlfriends wives, right? We should all love one another as humans. Love they neighbor, right? I try, and I don’t always succeed, but I will try again! No one is perfect, certainly not me. I’m trying not to judge too, but there are times I just can’t stop and then when I catch myself I feel bad about it.
Today was a rough day and an incident brought on an anxiety attack. I haven’t had on of those in a very long time that I can remember. I just couldn’t stop it. Thank goodness I was able to talk myself out- that isn’t the easiest thing to do. I have PTSD, I have had it a very long time and it is not fun. Anyone who has it or is close to someone that has it- I am sure you can relate. I was out in public when this happened today and I was so embarrassed by it. I was apologizing for it and my actions and ughhh.. 🙁 I feel sad today and just really off and I’m not even sure why. That is so frustrating to say the least! I know some of you have been there. I wonder what is happening in the universe with the planets- something feels really off to me and I am affected by it. Anyone else feel this way? Drop me a message in the comments- I will get it and respond! 🙂 I slept well I think. I did get up early though as usual!
On another note let me tell you what I am grateful for… My Husband! He is just so understanding and today he surprised me with Roses and these beautiful magazines- One was about Angels, it is an incredible book, and the other was called “Mindfulness and everyday guide” – The science of Happiness in a hectic world! Just what I needed to see today! I am not happy today- and just full of anxiety! Yuck! I am sure that tomorrow will be a better day! It is going to be very cold tonight. We will keep the cold water running tonight, just dripping to keep the pipes from freezing. Hope if you are in a cold location you all keep warm tonight and tomorrow!
I will end this and say Be Well, stay safe, stay warm and most of all know I love you! 🙂 Good night friends!
One good thing that happened today? In Physical Therapy they helped me through a rough feeling and they all were very loving and that I will never forget!