Sassy Saturday

Good Morning! It is early morning here 6 AM and I have been up since 4 AM. I had a disturbing dream about friends who betrayed my loyalty. I woke up upset and couldn’t stop thinking about it and the funny thing is that I have not been able to remember any dream in a very long time! I feel that my inner gut is working here and right on the money… So My eyes are open now. Some might think that I not up to par and they can pull the wool over my eyes- they can believe what they want and it saddens me but some people deep down are rotten and I must remember that. I need to take off those rose color glasses! They are off! I will not let it make me dark. I will be myself a loving person who wishes everyone the very best in every situation, I will just be wise to the manipulation! That’s all that we can do, right? 

Grateful for so many things in my life and I need to keep going back to that! 🙂

The sun is shinning bright, yippie!!! That makes me so happy! I will definitely get outside today!! Maybe not in the pool but outside in that glorious sun!!! I am going to check out my cottage- I have to get working on it or it will never get done! Anyhow time to get off here! Remember I love you! One good thing that happened today? I remembered that no matter what it is your choice to be happy or not Struggle and all!!! 🙂