Hello Beautiful People!
How is your Tuesday going so far? I hope peaceful, abundant, Hopeful, grateful… and so on, but positive vs. negative.
I am having a wonderful day and evening. Today I met with my nutritionist. I’m sure I spoke of her before! I consider her a friend and such a positive roll model. She is so talented and has an amazing heart. She is so smart and full of great advice and ongoing info that is so important! I could talk to her for literally an entire day! 🙂 Lol, I mean people listen, I can talk my head off as long it is with someone I can relate to. When you spend a lot of time alone, and I was not so “with it” for such along time that now I am making up for those many months I was quiet! My lucky husband right- lol,He probably wants to run to the hills at times, lol…. I am working on not talking so very much, sort of, haha 🙂
So I have another new Idea.. Starting a support group for anyone with a handicap as well as a handicap dance group! So excited to think about those things and how it might put a smile on someones face! That makes me happy to think! Being handicap in anyway is lonely I bet for some. I know for me it sure was. I felt alone because no one really understood what I was battling on a daily basis! I am sure some do not understand and really how can anyone if you have’t dealt with such and injury! It’s not their fault they don’t understand- how can you? You aren’t walking in my shoes! Right? I am not angry but I have thought some were insensitive, uncaring to name a few- some were insensitive, but some I am sure just don’t get it. And you know what, that is okay. This is my journey and I need to walk alone, find courage on a daily basis and keep on keeping on!!! I am doing all of that and more! I am sure you are to in some way or another, right? My hope is that anyone reading this struggling in any way finds some hope to try and try again and to have some peace in your heart that everything will be okay no matter what! Don’t live is panic mode- Like I did or so many months. I was so exhausted from panic mode! I still go there from time to time but way less now, and that feels so GREAT!
Acceptance is the key for me to an extent! I accept where my injury has taken me right now, but I do know I have a lot more of healing to do and I shall! But Accepting where I am with healing is good for me- because I am not beating myself up about it daily anymore! Like hurry up and wait, kinda deal! So there is some peace with that, but make no mistake I will heal fully as far as I can go and when I am there…. then I will dream and aspire to do other things that bring me fulfillment and joy! Won’t you? I have so much to do yet here on earth! I need to help inspire, give hope to others in similar situations no matter how they struggle. It is so important to me! I just cannot stop thinking about it.
Sometimes I get so deep in those thoughts it’s hard to get out, lol! Okay, I’m out! 🙂
I will end this now. Going to go spend time with my beautiful husband! I am wishing you all a restful sleep and wonderful dreams!!!
One good thing that happened to me today? I realization that I will be okay, no matter what! Good night dear friends and remember I love you!!!! :0)