Hello Friends, Today was up and down most of the day! My sister went home and man It hit me hard, I literally cried. I have no one to clean my house and my allergies are so bad because of the dust and the floors are so dirty. I have no one to help me and I am at my wits end. I can hardly move and in a lot of pain! Very bad day! I cannot clean at all and not sure what I am going to do! Two whammy’s this week and I have had it! It doesn’t matter how much you pay someone- It seems as people don’t care! My poor husband, lol it’s like a bad dream all of it! I go from laughing to crying and back again! I am just tired of dealing with it all! Talk about struggle… I hope you aren’t struggling like me at the moment! Just when you think things will be okay boom the rug is pulled out! My sister actually went to the store for me before she left- I felt bad about that! I feel bad about everything! So today I say fuck it all! I am going to only worry about me and me only from now on! A lot of changes are happening and it’s all for the best! Best for me no one else! I am angry and hurt! What else is new? The same shit different day! On that note I am hitting the hay for much needed rest! Good night people and stay safe. One good thing that happened today? I woke up!!! 🙂