Wackiness Wednesday

Hello Everyone! What a crazy kind of day! Not bad crazy, just crazy, lol! Hence the funny Chi pic there to the right. My sister is still visiting and I am having so much fun! 🙂 It’s great when you spend time with family!!! I miss my friends too! Someday I will be able to see them. I didn’t go in the pool my muscles are so sore- I am not going to push it! I do not need to get hurt. I got such bad leg cramp and it lasted for an hour or more and just throbbed. Very painful and very scary! I have a lot of muscle tenderness and tightness to shake a stick at! Ughhh, I wouldn’t wish this on an enemy even! 

So Russel Crowe is on- “Robin Hood”, I love Russel Crowe! He is an amazing actor and singer too! Not hard to look at either! 🙂 I am eating a piece of Key Lime Pie and it is so good and cold, yumm! I can’t help loving sweets and I know eventually I will give it up again! I will when I am ready too and I am not ready right now! So do indulge in anything tempting as sugar? Anyway I wish you luck if you are trying to stop the bad stuff! On this note it’s time to say good night, I love you! One good thing that happened today? My honey got home earlier then usual. 🙂